On the track of their passion

Annabel, Rachel and Alena embark on a lifetime adventure which leads them to Hawaii – the birthplace of surfing.

about Choice

Why do you jump out of your warm, cozy bed at 5:00 o’clock in the morning to expose yourself to a cold winter wind, to squeeze into a soaking wetsuit on a deserted parking lot and finally hit the freezing water? Why do you travel to the back of beyond, walking hours covered in sweat on burning sand, sleeping on stinky mattresses and eating the same food every day? Why do you try to pull in a barrel, when you know that the razor sharp reef is just a foot away ? Why all the struggle when you often return without even riding one good wave ? And what makes you taking a choice that is changing your whole life ?

about Life

Rachel, an Australian surfer who decided to live surrounded by mountains despite her passion for surfing. Annabel, a French girl who preferred to return to her cold, silent home in the north of France rather than following a professional surfing career. Alena - grown up in a landlocked country - who chose to leave her home and her job to dedicate her life to the ocean. These three women – as different as they could be – take you on a journey and show you their answers to the questions above!

about Passion

Gliding on a wave in silence makes you want to do this for the rest of your life. It doesn’t matter if you can surf your home break where you know every rock and every local in the water or if you have to leave your safe haven to go on an adventure where you will discover foreign cultures and maybe world class waves. The moment of pure joy is all that matters - because surfing is not a sport, it is a passion. Annabel, Rachel and Alena embark on a lifetime adventure to the birthplaces of their ferventness – HAWAII.